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A Reflection

Licensed under CC0, source: Over the past four months, I've blogged here every week about the concepts and applications I've learned about in a course at the University of Arizona. The course focused on group and online collaboration, and ultimately led us to see that the online world has opened up essentially the world to collaborate with us. Over the last semester, I've seen real application of concepts I had touched on in previous courses. Through examples and real life blogging for class I have learned how the world is your audience in a digital world. I think the most important thing I've taken away from this class is that the culture I've now grown up with has become a part of how we collaborate with others in the future. I never thought about how memes or ReCaptcha affects our lives. They were simply elements of daily life. We send memes among friends, we fill out ReCaptcha for signing up for websites. It's now become second nature. Our ...

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